Look At Me: FF7 feat. Neutral Colors

Sorry guys if i didn't update my blog on time. It's supposed to be yesterday but i need to go to work too and earn money for next travel adventure. Hehe ✌🏻️ Last week was really a tiring week for me. I need to rush things out in order for me to achieve my monthly target. Good thing coz I achieved 96%. Not that bad tho. Anyways, let's go back to track now. As what I've said in my last blog, my blog update today is all about my last post's OOTD. Maybe in some part of the globe like my country Philippines already said goodbye to Summer Season and welcomes their Rainy Days already, here in UAE it's not yet over! Infact, it was just started. That's the main reason why I still need to share my OOTD. It's another street style summer outfit. Actually, it's another mixed and matched episode again. But this time, I used neutral colors. As what you can see I wore neutral colors during our travel to matched my outfit with the solemnity of Sheik Zayed Grand M...