
Showing posts from January, 2018

New Year 2018: Goals and Resolutions

It's been weeks since the new year 2018 started , but here I am still writing and telling on what exactly my goals are to achieve the entire year. But before anything else, I'd like to greet you SMIBYbies a Happy and Prosperous New Year. Oops! You read it right! From now on, all my valued subscribers, viewers, followers and readers are officially called SMIBYbies ( read as SMI-babies) . (Photo Credits to the owner) Now going back to the main topic for this blog which is my New Year 2018: Goals and Resolutions. To be honest, last year 2017 was not a good year  for me. It's almost half of it that I've experienced depressing episodes and stressful moments. Most especially, during the last 3 months. I've been preoccupied with variety of things. Too many "what ifs"   were on my mind and I've been so lazy too. My relationship with my friends, family, housemates and even in my work place were affected. Luckily, I keep myself back on track before the...