Look At Me: SSI (Afternoon Walk)

A salam aleykum my readers (common greeting used by Arabs and muslims). I'm currently residing here in the Middle East so I wanted to greet you in their language just to be different! It's been more than a week again since I posted my last blog. Finally, I found a way to skip from the stressful aspect of my life (my work) and got the chance to had a walk and snack near the seashore of AUH's Corniche Beach. One of the most peaceful and calm place for me is the sea. Hearing the sound of waves hitting the big rocks (not in the Corniche Beach of course) and seeing the deep blue sea with the perfect color of the seashore is absolutely perfect to make your mind at peace. I and my travel buddy decided to go for an afternoon walk and see the sun setting down.Obviously, we saw it perfectly. Too cool! I really love sunsets! But anyways, I really find it hard to think of a tittle for this post. It's not the usual thing that I'm giving to my previous posts basing from what...