
Showing posts from January, 2016

Look At Me: Korean Invasion

Since I was a child, I am considering myself a fan of KOREANOVELAS (Korean Dramas) and K. POP MUSIC (Korean Popular Music) already. Infact almost all Filipinos in the Philippines are, I guess.  Through their well-known music videos and outstanding performances in their concerts  (though I can't personally understand the exact meaning of the lyrics) , I fell inlove with their daring,creative and unique fashion styles.  The different cuts of shirts and trousers added with different blings and head dresses are absolutely cool, aren't they?  But anyways, here's my Korean Invasion #OOTD happened to be my outfit when I visited the Emirates Park Zoo. Here's the look: (Photographed by Kuya Ron) Yeah! Undoubtedly korean fashion inspired outfit right? Oh well, it was a black and white themed korean outfit. The white long cut shirt top with zipper details at the bottom side part  (Korean Pops...

Let's Travel: Emirates Park Zoo

Unexpected ZOOper and ZOOlit adventure happened for my first ever recorded travel for 2016. It will take long for me to share it details by details but I guess, It was a blessing in disguise.  It's my first time to visit a ZOO here in UAE (I can't even recall the last time I visited such at PI). It was fun and informative travel that everyone of us MUST experience once in awhile. Let's learn more about the place. Emirates Park Zoo  is built on the promise that every guest will be able to appreciate the natural world all over again after a visit—taking home new discoveries, unique experiences and unforgettable memories.  The zoo offers an exciting concept where children can interact with many species by touching or feeding the many farm and wild animals that are housed at the zoo. With a laidback and family-oriented atmosphere, the zoo is a place that inspires and encourages kids and adults alike to explore, have fun and ...